Evidences of Validity of the Scale of Work-family Enrichment in Brazilian Samples

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Larissa Maria David Gabardo-Martins
Maria Cristina Ferreira
Felipe Valentini


The work‑family enrichment concerns the ways in which the experiences from one domain (work or family) interfere positively in another. The objective of the research is to adapt and get validity evidences of the scale of Work‑Family Enrichment in the Brazilian context. Participated in this study 416 workers of both sexes, with ages ranging from 20 to 66 years, who responded to the initial version of the scale, containing 18 items. Confirmatory factorial analyses showed that the final version of the scale composed of ten items, distributed equally on two factors, with appropriate indexes of internal consistency. The enrichment has also presented strong and positive correlations with satisfaction with life and with the work, as well as moderate and negative correlations with the work‑family conflict. The conclusion was that the scale is an instrument with adequate validity evidences, allowing its use in future situations of research of the work‑family interface.


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Psychological Assessment


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