Factorial Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Cognitive Triad Inventory

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Maycoln Leôni Martins Teodoro
Priscilla Moreira Ohno
Mariana Verdolin Guilherme Froeseler


The concept of negative cognitive triad refers to the dysfunctional view that the individual owns about himself (self), others and the future. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Cognitive Triad Inventory (ITC). Of the 404 participants aged between of 17 and 50 years old (average = 25,14; SD = 8,53 years), 280 were women (69,3%). Confirmatory factor analysis were performed using as reference the four models found in literature. By comparing the adjustment index, the six factor solution were the most appropriate, which contained the original negative cognitive triad, associated with other positive views of the self, others and the future. Acceptable internal consistency index (0,61 < ? > 0,75), besides significant correlations between the ITC factors and the sex and age of participants. The results point to the adequacy of the psychometric properties of ITC in this sample.


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