Association between Religiousness and Mental Health in Patients with HIV

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Sally Knevitz da Silva
Susane Müller Klug Passos
Luciano Dias Souza


This study aimed to assess the association between religiousness and indicatives of anxiety and depression among patients with HIV in a service of the south of Brazil. This was a cross-sectional study thatused a convenience sample of 617 HIV patients. They answered a structured interview which contained questions about religion and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. The prevalence of the indicatives of depression and anxiety was, respectively, 34.4% and 47%. 76.3% of the respondents stated they were religious, while 54.4% practiced their religion during the previous month and 50.6% were religious. Having a religion was associated with: age, alcohol abuse/dependence, and indicative of depression. The religious practice was associated with: age, lipodystrophy and the indicative of anxiety. Being religious was associated with: age, lipodystrophy, tobacco, abuse/dependence and indicative of anxiety. It can be inferred that religiousness can be beneficial to mental health, particularly in patients with anxiety symptomatology.


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Clinical Psychology


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