An Exploratory Study of Teachers’ Conceptions and Intervention STrategies in the Face of School Bullying

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Jorge Luiz da Silva
Wanderlei Abadio de Oliveira
Marta Angélica Iossi da Silva
Beatriz Oliveira Pereira
Sálua Cecilio


This qualitative study’s aim was to identify the knowledge of 6th grade teachers concerning bullying and interventions they developed. A total of ten teachers were included and data were collected using structured questionnaires. The analyses followed the assumptions of thematic content analysis. The results revealed that teachers had a poor understanding of the problem, which affected their ability to identify and intervene in bullying situations faced by students. It appears that bullying is an important aspect to be discussed with teachers considering their proximity to the problem and the essential role they can play helping students to overcome it.


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Psychology and Education


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