Children’s Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic: Prevalence of Mental Disorders Among Children and Adolescents

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Claudemir Marcos Machado
Andreia Mara Angelo Gonçalves Luiz
Altino Bessa Marques Filho
Maria Cristina de Oliveira Santos Miyazaki
Neide Aparecida Micelli Domingos
Eliana Márcia Sotello Cabrera


The objective of the study was to identify prevalence of mental disorders among patients served by a children’s psychiatric outpatient unity based on the analysis of the register book of the unity (years: 2009 and 2010), filled by psychiatry residents and professors. Data from 109 patients, ages 4 to 20 (11.08 ± 3.24) was analyzed; 85 were male (77.98%). Most prevalent disorders were attention?deficit/hyperactivity disorder (n = 59; 54.12%), mental retardation (n = 55; 50.45%) and conduct disorder (n = 34; 31.19%). For males the most prevalent disorder was attention deficit/hyperactivity and for females the most prevalent was mental retardation. The most prevalent comorbidities were mental retardation, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, depressive episode, and anxiety disorders. The majority of patients were male, had externalizing disorders and comorbidities. Data confirms the relevance of prevention programs in primary health care, community and schools.


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Clinical Psychology


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