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Camila do Carmo Menezes
Márcia Cristina Caserta Gon
Robson Zazula


Abstract: The atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin disease which manifests in childhood. Noncompliance is a common parent’s complaint of atopic children. Studies have shown that several antecedent variables can influence noncompliance. The present study aimed to examine the effects of parental attention and task difficult, on noncompliance behavior of five preschoolers’ children with atopic dermatitis. The experimental design was the multielement. The results showed that the manipulation of these variables changed noncompliance responses in three of the five children. It suggests the need of including these variables to assess, to prevent and to intervene in children with atopic dermatitis described as noncompliance by their parents.

Keywords: atopic dermatitis; behavior problem; noncompliance; functional analysis; applied behavior analysis.


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