Child-Caregiver-Pediatrician Communication: an Observational Study at Different Levels of Care
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Communication in pediatric settings presents many challenges, because of the presence of a triad (patient-caregiver-pediatrician) which requires specific skills in each step of an encounter. This study aimed to analyze and compare the communication in triads between the primary (health center) and tertiary (hospital) care levels. Twelve triads were observed, with the behaviors registered in specific protocols and recordings (audio and video). Two subsystems of interactional analysis were developed. In the first subsystem (purpose of communication content), the behavior of encouraging participation, encouraging interaction and communicating information was more observed in the health center. In the second subsystem (communication resources), facilitating and disruptive behaviors were also more recurrent in the primary care setting. Therefore, we conclude that in the health care center, consultations focused on patients, prevailed with greater incentive towards participation. In the hospital, the appointments focused mainly on the caregiver or the doctor.
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