Stages of Change: correlation between two forms of evaluation

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Adriana Carvalho dos Santos
Maria Leonor Espinosa Enéas
Elisa Medici Pizão Yoshida


The concept of stages of change helps to identify how aware one is about his or her challenge and how confident to facing it. There are six stages: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and termination. This study aims to verify the correlation between two ways of evaluate them: the Stage of Change Scale (SCS), a self-report instrument, and a clinical interview. It was hypothesized that a high degree of correlation between them would suggest they measure the same construct. The SCS was applied before a clinical interview with 30 adults, who authorized the audio recording in a training clinic. The interviews were transcribed and evaluated by two judges who obtained the agreement of 0.80. Results pointed to a statistically significant but moderate correlation between both measures (rs=0,40, p<0,05). Initial results suggest that the management of the interviews may interfere with the identification of stages of change by clinical interview.




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