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Fernanda Mara do Nascimento
Marina Brandão Rodrigues
Ângela Maria Vieira Pinheiro


Abstract: It has been demonstrated that the development of good linguistic abilities during the first years of life, resulting from an intimate verbal interaction between children and their parents, facilitates reading acquisition. If all children need to be stimulated in order to have a good cognitive development, this is even more necessary in the case of premature babies. Apart from the biological risk, they are also subject to hazard coming from an environment that may not be stimulating enough. A guiding program for parents was developed on how to stimulate the children’s language from birth, so that he may in the future learn to read well. We tested this program on a sample of parents of preterm children. Of the participants, 98.92% affirmed that they learned new information and all of them declared that it is possible to apply the acquired knowledge on a daily basis, evidencing thus a comprise with the facilitation of the linguistic development of their children. In this article we discuss this extramural experience.

Keywords: language; learning; reading; training; premature birth.


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