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Cibele Carvalho
Vera Regina Röhnelt Ramires


Abstract: The present study focused the play’s process in children with depression indicators or whose mothers had depression. The literature has demonstrated the importance of play to children’s development, as well as highlighting the inability or failure of this ability as a symptom of problems in the child. This study systematically reviewed the research literature with aim to identify studies about this researches focus. It was identified 16 separate studies that met criteria for inclusion. The review revealed evidence to support play’s relevance as an important resource in the psychology evaluation of depressive symptoms in childhood, with differences found in the behavior of depressed and nondepressed children in play situations. The review indicates there has been an growth in research in recent years, so that recent studies has been devoted to evaluating the effectiveness of treatment for children with indicators of depression, using play as a therapeutic resource.

Keywords: play therapy; child; mothers; depression; child development


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