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Fabián Javier Marín Rueda
Nelimar Ribeiro de Castro


The aim of the study was to search for evidence of validity for the test of intelligence (TI) based on relation to variables of age and sex. The study included 560 people from 18 to 67 years old (M = 26.26, SD = 8.62), in which 358 were men (63.9%). The results showed no significant differences in performance between men and women, namely, the TI performance of men and women could be considered equivalent. As for age, it was found a moderate and negative correlation, forming four age groups by Anova and it was observed that the increase of age corresponded to a decrease in performance in TI. Based on this information, it was concluded that the study aims were achieved, in other words, we obtained evidence of validity to the TI based on relation to other variables.


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