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Mónica Raquel Saraiva Costa
Catarina Pinheiro Mota
Cláudia Milheiro


This case study refers to the borderline personality theme shown through the life experience of a young adult woman who demonstrates inner instability and the passage to action through self-mutilation. The evaluation reveals self-fragmentation and inefficiency in the use of defense mechanisms, shown by a fragile and immature personality with low impulse control. This study was developed within the psychology consultations in the Psychology Department of Hospital Magalhães Lemos. Psychological intervention is recommended in order to clarify, organize and transform the internal elements into thinkable elements, suggesting the need for change of a singular reactive and permanent behavior. The result of the psychological counseling process, designed under the psychodynamic model, had a structuring effect, leading to a better discernment between fantasy and reality, demonstrating, even if prematurely, a greater capacity to think and produce feelings and emotions.


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