Correlational Study of the Dynamic Test in Reading With Wisc III Test

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Aline Christina Istome
Maria Cristina Rodrigues Azevedo Joly


The present study aimed to evaluate the learning potential of students in the middle school, identifying evidences of validity for the Dynamic Test in Reading (DTiR) by correlation with the Wisc II. The DTiR is a computer assessment, with a continued application with a pre and post test and a instructional module between the assessments. 86 subjects, aging from 10 to 14 years old, took part in this study. All of them were attending classes from the 4th grade to the 7th grade in a public school in São Paulo state. The applications took place in the school itself in three sessions, being the Wisc III individually in the first two sessions, and the DTiR, collectively, in the last one. The results show that there was no significant statistic difference between the pre and the post‑test, however instructional module was effective to assess the students’ potential learn. It was verified a correlation between the scores of the DTiR with the Wisc III, showing evidences of validity to the DTiR. A significant statistic difference was also identified in the performance averages in the initial evaluation of the DTiR if the younger students compared to the older ones, according to Manova. However, it is suggested that the instrument of evaluation comprehension used in the pre and post‑test of the DTiR be revised, what was not necessary to assess the potential of the learning obtained or to augment the population sample researched with the purpose of generalizing the results.


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