Perspective on Spatial Cognition in the Concrete Context and Multimedia

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Juliana Rodrigues Alexandre
Maria Thereza Costa Coelho de Souza


This research focused on the projective space representation in two contexts: concret and virtual ones. Two tecniques were used to analyse children’s capacity to adopt one other point of view: the Zone Trash 3 game and an adapted version of Piaget’s classic test The Three Montains, on which the game was based. This paper presents two of the thirty children that were examined in terms of error types and strategies to solve problem-situations. Data indicated more difficults on the game than the concret context and these results contribute to the global discussion about Piagetian approach applied on children’ strategy comprehension in virtual context; relations between familiarity and strategies to solve problems and the considerations from a Piagetian view for the elaboration of studies about progressive strategies to solve problems in a virtual way.


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