Effects of Signaling Through the Legends About the Behavior of Separating Waste at a Restaurant in a Public University

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José Gonçalves Medeiros
Adriana Boschi Moreira
Marina Teixeira Martins
Mônica Girardi Cerutti
Sabine Heumann


This study shows the influence of signaling through captions behavior separate waste at a restaurant in a public university. Attended by 600 users of both sexes, who frequented the restaurant, whose age ranged between 16 and 25 years. Were three sessions of direct observation. In the first session established a baseline, in the latter intervened in the configuration of the dumps with the placement of captions to indicate the type of waste to be deposited, and the third, the conditions were the same as the baseline. The results show that the key is placed in landfills influenced the behavior of separating garbage, ie, the percentage of appropriate behaviors increased significantly during the intervention and decreased inappropriate. The intervention points to the need to change the environment so as to facilitate the desired behavior. We also show the need to build environmental education programs that manage effective and lasting changes in pro-environmental behaviors.


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