The Articulation of Theoretical and Practical Knowledge in Analysis and Development of Activity of Care

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Marianna Araujo da Silva
Lia Raposo de Assis Martins
Claudia Osório


This paper presents the methodological procedure adopted in the research Process of work in health: analysis and development of ways of doing and living in care relations, bringing the lived experience of researchers in the empirical field. The methodological procedures have its foundations on the concepts of Clinical Activity and Occupational health. it is proposed that the activities of work analysis are discussed, coordinated and carried out by an expanded research group, which involved researchers from academia, and professional service in focus, providing a combination of different knowledges. The object of research is the activity of nursing at the hospital Universitario Antonio Pedro, linked to the Federal Fluminense University. The results obtained from the characterization of the team and observation the activity in three sectors shall guide the future paths of research.


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