The Relation Stage-Actor-Audience: A Study of Learning of becoming Aware in the Theater

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Gilead Marchezi Tavares
Vivianni Barcellos de Araujo


The process of creating the character in the theater was invested here to investigate the cognitive devices that disrupt the operation mode of thought coined in modernity. For the analysis, we used the concept of becoming aware, which deals with the conscious act of making something that is in us so pre-reflective, affective and opaque. This study sought to ascertain the perception of the actor on the character’s construction and its implications for the way  of the artist's life, focusing on the relationship investigative stage-actor-audience. It presented itself as a case study methodology from the tracking rehearsals and public performances of drama. We understand that each actor, in rehearsals and performances of the play, puts into action the becoming aware and embarks on such a learning process, creating characters and recreating himself in a cadence between himself, the public and the space that he use to act.


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