On the Social Memory of the “Golden Years”: Beetle, World Cup, Bossa Nova and Miss Brazil

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Aline Passeri Dias
Felipe Jardim da Silva
Rosana Ferreira Chalegre
Celso Pereira de Sá
Rafael Pecly Wolter


This article discusses a research about social memory of the 50’s, known as the “Golden Years”, which focused specifically on: the launching of the Beetle, Volkswagen’s first model made in the country, the first World Cup won by Brazil, the advent of Bossa Nova, and the Competitions of Miss Brazil. The theoretical background consists of a psychosocial perspective on memory involving the joint of psychological, sociological and
historical contributions. Data collection was performed by administering a questionnaire to 450 residents of Rio de Janeiro, distributed among three age groups: elderly, adults and youth. In data analysis the frequencies of responses produced by the three groups of participants for each question were compared. Results demonstrate important differences between the memories of the distinct generational groups, which are satisfactorily explained by theoretical principles about the social construction of memory.


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