Friendships of African Students Living in Brazil

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Agnaldo Garcia
Dominique Costa Goes


International friendships between people from different countries are poorly investigated, especially in Brazil. This study investigated the friendships of college students from Guinea‑Bissau and Sao Tome and Principe studying in Brazil based on the model proposed by Hinde (1997). Twelve interviews have been conducted about friend’s network and close friendships. Most friends belonged to the same nationality or they were Brazilians, lived in the same town and were met in Brazil. Results are related to common interests and shared activities, difficulties in friendships and remarkable episodes. Most friendships were related to adaptation to Brazil, but only part influenced the way Brazil was perceived. It is concluded that friends are fundamental to social and cultural adaptation of students and they serve as a basis for cultural and scientific cooperation. Further studies and social projects are necessary to promote the friendship between Brazilian and African students living in Brazil.


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