Relationships between Mood States and Sport Performance in High Level Sailors

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Ricardo Brandt
Maick da Silveira Viana
Luciana Segato
Fernanda Leal Kretzer
Tales de Carvalho
Alexandro Andrade


The sail is a sport that requires different demands of the athlete as: interpretation of wind and sea actions, to take quick decisions, concentration and emotional balance. The mood is an emotional or affective state with a variable and not permanent duration of time, being a reaction of the happenings and feelings lived by the people. Composed by the factors tension, depression, anger, vigor, fatigue and confusion, the mood is an important variable for sailors’ efficiency, cause the characteristics of the modality are related to each one of your factors. It’s discussed the relevance of the mood factors of sail’s practice, as well the possibilities of an intervention of coach and specialists in Sport Psychology that look for the best efficiency of the sailors, be it during training or competition. Is important to emphasize that training and competition situation can require of the sailors that look for a high efficiency different profiles of mood.


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