The Adolescent with Down Syndrome and his Relationship’s Network: An Exploratory Study about their Friendships

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Lívia Maria Marques Bonomo
Agnaldo Garcia
Claudia Broetto Rossetti


Down syndrome (DS) is a genetic condition with physical and cognitive characters that compromises the development. In adolescence, relations outside the family are established, and the adolescent with DS will live this process, but with more limited prospects that may affect their social relationships. The objective of this study is to present an initial description of the interpersonal relationships of adolescents with DS, emphasizing their friendships. Were applied interviews with 10 adolescents with the syndrome and their parents. According to collected data, these adolescents have friends, but these friendships are marked primarily by help and companionship attitudes in activities that they commonly practice. Extracurricular programs were not reported, showing a picture of exclusion of the group of adolescents with tipical development. These friendships have different qualities from those observed in adolescents with tipical development. Understanding theses limitations is essential to develop programs that encourage adolescents with DS and their partners in strengthening this relationship.


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