Concentrated Attention and Memory: Validity Evidences Between Instruments in the Psychologist Traffic Context

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Fabián Javier Marín Rueda


This research aimed at verifying validity evidences to Teste de Atenção Concentrada (Teaco-FF), related to
Teste Pictórico de Memória (Tepic-M). 207 people from Aracaju participated, so that 118 were students from a private university and 89 went through a renovation process, changed or first obtained their driver’s license. Age ranged from 18 to 58 years old, and as to sex, 66 were men and 141 were women. The instruments were collectively applied to undergraduates, and individually applied to the participants going through specialized psychological assessment. Results have revealed significant positive correlations between punctuations on both tests, which provided validity evidences to Teaco-FF. Further studies are suggested on traffic context, as a way to improve and examine the information on the area carefully.


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