Performance of Adults After Stroke with and Without Aphasia on Neupsilin-L

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Joice Dickel Segabinazi
Maxciel Zortea
Luciene Lima dos Santos Garay
Denise Ren da Fontoura
Jerusa Fumagalli de Salles
Jaqueline de Carvalho Rodrigues


The preliminary psychometric properties of the Brief Neuropsycholinguistic Assessment Instrument NEUPSILIN-L were analyzed in patients with and without expressive aphasia. This study included 94 adults: 11 with brain damage in the right hemisphere (RHD), 38 with brain damage in the left hemisphere (LHD), and 45 neurologically healthy. The group with LHD presented lower scores than the other groups, mainly in the language tasks, as well as the sample with aphasia. Clinical groups performed better on the NEUPSILIN-L in tasks with motor response options, about oral responses. The NEUPSILIN-L items had a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.931 and McDonald omega of 0.950. The results of the groups in the NEUPSILIN-L showed that the instrument presents evidence of validity based on the relationship with criteria and high internal consistency. Future studies intend to expand the evidence of validity of the instrument and provide normative data for the Brazilian population.


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