Socioemotional Skills: Effects of a Career Education Intervention
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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of an intervention strategy in Career Education aimed at developing socioemotional skills. Participated 62 students of the ninth grade of Elementary School II of a public school. Data were obtained using the Instrument for the Assessment of Socio-Emotional Skills (SENNA 2.0). Intervention effects were analyzed in comparisons between Intervention Group A (GA) and Control Group (GC), Intervention B (GB) and intragroups. The results show statistically significant differences only between groups and in two dimensions: Agreeableness in favor of Intervention Group A (GA) and Openness to the new in Intervention Group B (GB). Such findings show benefits that the intervention program for the development of socioemotional skills can provide to Career Education. As a limitation, the small number of participants stands out, making it necessary for studies with a larger sample, aiming at replicating the results. The study points out methodological aspects to be considered in the design of Career Education programs, with more sessions, aiming at greater reach and more effective results over time.
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