Suffering Among Adolescent Girls in 13 Reasons Why: A Psychoanalytic Study

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Natália Del Ponte de Assis
Andreia de Almeida Schulte
Sueli Regina Gallo-Belluzzo
Tânia Maria José Aiello-Vaisberg


This study’s objective was to investigate suffering among adolescent girls from the concrete psychoanalytic psychology perspective, a theoretical framework that adopts the psychoanalytic method and theorizations from a relational perspective. It is a relevant endeavor considering evidence that adolescence among girls is a phase potentially vulnerable to sexism and violence, which may cause traumatic effects. It is methodologically organized in a psychoanalytic study of the television series 13 reasons why, which manifestly addresses this research topic. The material was addressed in a free-floating-attention state, from which two affective-emotional meaning fields emerged: “sluts or prudes” and “I am a nobody without approval”. In general, the plot reveals conservative and oppressive imaginaries, inciting female submission, attacking the basic human tendency to spontaneously express toward life, harmfully affecting the subjectivity of adolescent girls.


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