Fear of Childbirth: A Review of Interventions Based on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

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Lívia Rangel de Christo Nunes
Fernanda Corrêa Coutinho
Veruska Andréa dos Santos


Fear of childbirth is very common and may significantly impact maternal-infant health. The goal of this study is to investigate how Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been applied in cases of fear of childbirth and evaluate the efficacy of the interventions. A systematic review was made using the data bases BVS Brazil, Scopus and PubMed, from February to April 2019. After analyzing the inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of eight complete texts composed the final sample. Therapeutic techniques such as cognitive restructuration, exposure and mindfulness showed to be relevant for the creation of a less catastrophic perception of childbirth and for the development of greater self-confidence on the abilities to cope with labor. The review leaded to the conclusion that CBT has potentials to treat fear of childbirth.



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