Adaptation and Psychometric Initials Evidences of the Work-Family Behavioral Role Conflict Scale
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Work-family conflict shows tension between professional and family life domains, with negative repercussions for job performance, satisfaction with life, and family. This study sought to adapt and gather initial psychometric evidence from the Work-Family Behavioral Role Conflict (WFBRC) in Brazil. Participants were 229 adults, active in the labor market and involved in family relationships. Exploratory factor analysis procedures resulted in positive initial evidence of the validity of internal, external, and precision structure, attesting in favor of its use in Brazil. The final version of the WFBRC distinguished two dimensions: work interfering with family (15 items; α and ω = 0.90) and family interfering with work (15 items; α = 0.90 and; ω = 0.89). Results indicate convergent and discriminant validity between the WFBRC and conflict perception, as well as work-family enrichment. The conclusion is that the instrument is adequate and can contribute theoretically, to investigations, and to work-family conflict-related practices
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