Cognitive Flexibility and the Work Context: Integrative Literature Review
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Transformations in the work context demand new skills from workers, such as cognitive flexibility (CF). This study analyzed publications that investigated CF in the context of work. An integrative review of the literature was conducted in the LILACS, SciELO, Web of Science, and Scopus databases. An analysis of 24 articles allowed a picture of the scientific production on the subject. The studies are recent and coming from several countries. Most of them used a quantitative design and investigated workers from different industries. CF has often been defined as an executive function that encompasses awareness that there are alternative behaviors, willingness, and self-efficacy in flexible behavior. CF has been linked to other phenomena, such as the ability to adapt and plan, interpersonal relationships, and sleep deprivation. This study brings contributions and subsidies for organizational psychology professionals, considering the insertion of CF as an essential skill at work.
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