COVID-19 and Brazilian’s mental health: Risk Factors and Related Symptoms

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Jaqueline Portella Giordani
Carolina Palmeiro Lima
Michael de Quadros Duarte
Manuela Almeida da Silva Santo
Letícia Sanguinetti Czepielewski
Clarissa Marceli Trentini


In a pandemic, it is necessary to understand who is at higher risk for psychological difficulties. This study's objective was to investigate the most prevalent psychological symptoms in a Brazilian sample during the COVID-19 pandemic and their associations with sociodemographic, health, and pandemic-related variables. 1358 individuals answered a questionnaire and the SRQ-20. The results showed that younger adults and women were at higher risk for minor mental disorders (MMD). We identified subgroups that represented levels of symptoms severity of participants. Some individuals presented many protective factors to decrease this risk, as preserved income and less mental disorders diagnosis. Social distancing was a risk factor only for individuals with higher risk for MMD, and the variables that best discriminate between clusters were in the cognitive-emotional symptoms dimension. We discuss the determinants that can contribute to mental health vulnerability and highlight the need for state actions for those more vulnerable.


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ESPECIAL - Covid-19: Impacto psicológico em indivíduos, família e sociedade


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