Social Precariousness and Exclusion during Covid-19: A Psychoanalytic Look

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Mariana Fonseca dos Anjos
Marta Rezende Cardoso


In this article, we analyze the issue of the psychological impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) in view of its incidence in a context of exclusion and social precariousness. We refer to subjective experiences of rupture of social and symbolic bonds that are related to different forms of belonging: economic, political, racial, and cultural. The threat that the pandemic represents and the ways of coping with it reveal central aspects of society nowadays, considering the singularity of its different layers. From a psychoanalytical point of view, stressing the articulation of subjectivity/social bond, we study the idea that the phenomenon of Covid-19 intensifies the processes of exclusion, already present in the contemporary social scene, with nefarious consequences for the psyche of subjects whose existence is marked by social invisibility. In the context of a situation of social insecurity, exacerbated by unprecedented economic, political, and health crisis, individuals face a daily struggle for survival, which can result in a traumatic experience of subjective urgency.


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