Clinical Listening: Experience of a Grieving Mother in Times of COVID-19

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Ana Maria Lopez Calvo Lopez Feijoo


The aim of this article is to present the dynamics of a clinical situation with a mother bereaved by the death of her child victimized by COVID-19, through a theoretical-clinical study based on the phenomenological method. From the perspective and bases of the clinical phenomenological-existential, we will show a psychotherapeutic action in which grief is understood beyond the criteria positioned by the DSM-5. In phenomenological research on maternal mourning, mourning is understood as something of the order of the inescapable and the immeasurable. It is with this understanding of the affection of the bereaved that we will present the dynamics of a clinical performance of a 50-year-old woman attended by the Applied Psychology Service of a public university. We emphasize that the silence of the psychotherapist, during the care of the bereaved mother, favored that the mother felt understood in her pain.


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