Dangerouness and Personality Characteristics in Sex Offenders

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Áquila Araujo Gonçalves Rodrigues Zilki
Ana Cristina Resende


The aim of the article was to analyze the dangerousness and personality characteristics of perpetrators of sexual violence (SVA). 69 inmates who participated in this study were serving time for sexual crimes in a closed regime and were divided into two groups: SVA convicted of victimizing children (G1) (n = 41) and SVA convicted of victimizing adolescents and adults (G2) (N = 28 ). The collected data derived from the reading of the criminal case and the application of the Rorschach test in the Performance Assessment System (R-PAS). For data analysis, a variable called dangerousness was created, through the principal component factor analysis, using criminal profile variables, to verify the correlation between the R-PAS variables and the participants' riskiness. Comparisons were also made between the groups. The results showed that the greater the danger, the greater the use of intellectualization as a defense mechanism, in order not to deal directly and realistically with aspects that generate emotional or social anguish. In addition, G2 showed a higher degree of danger.


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