Mental Health of Brazilian University Students During the COVID-19

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Michelle Morelo Pereira
Eliza de Medeiros Soares
Júlia Gabriela Antunes Fonseca
Juliana de Oliveira Moreira
Luara Paiva Rondeli Santos


This study aimed to investigate the effects of positive and negative affects, anxiety and obsessive and compulsive thoughts and behaviors on Brazilian university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participated in this study 492 students from all regions of the country and aged 18 years and over. The survey was conducted between the months of April and May 2020, using self-report instruments applied in the online format. The results indicated that 37% (N = 182) of the students had a high level of anxiety and 46.1% (N = 227) moderate levels for obsessive and compulsive thoughts and behaviors. In addition, it was found that positive affects were negatively correlated with anxiety, as well as obsessive and compulsive thinking and behaviors were negatively correlated, while negative affects were positively correlated with independent variables. It is concluded that the mental health of university students must be monitored during pandemics.


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Psychology and Education


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