Covid-19 Shock: Will We Have a Disorder of the Decade?

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Alanny Nunes de Santana
Antonio Roazzi


A new coronavirus spread rapidly around the world characterizing a pandemic. In times of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), associated with physical health problems, economic and social problems, there are psychological suffering and psychological disorders. In this context, this theoretical essay aims to present reflections on social isolation, fear of imminent death, and the possible increase in the incidence of anxiety disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health sequelae resulting from Covid-19. We observed that the pandemic is an important predictor of symptoms of anxiety disorders, as well as initial empirical studies indicated a considerable increase in the number of people with mental disorders resulting from Covid-19. There is a demand for research that explores and presents empirical data regarding the effects of Covid-19 on the mental health of the population, as well as proposing promotion and prevention strategies.


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