Depressive Symptomatology and Relationship to Pathological functioning of Global Personality and Specific Personality Disorder

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Lucas Francisco Carvalho
Makilim Nunes Baptista
Midiã Beatriz Guillen
André Pereira Gonçalves
Aline Petermann Choueiri Miskulin


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between depressive symptoms and pathological personality functioning (PPF) and specific indicators of pathological personality patterns. Participants were 446 adults from the general population. Part of the sample (n = 237) answered tests evaluating the PPF (Dimensional Clinical Personality Inventory - screening (IDCP-Screening)) and symptoms of depression (Baptist Depression Scale - screening (EBADEP-Screening)); other part (n = 209) answered tests evaluating PD (SCID-II personality questionnaire; SCID-II-PQ) and symptoms of depression (EBADEP-screening) .The results indicated that both, PPF and PD showed positive associations with depressive symptoms, although associations with PPF were stronger. PD most associated with depressive symptoms were avoidant, dependent, and borderline. Findings suggest that PPF and specific pathological patterns are risk factors for the onset of depressive symptoms


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Psychological Assessment


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