Word Loss Trajectory in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Analysis of Home Videos

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Bárbara Backes
Maria Cristina T. V. Teixeira
Tatiana P. Mecca
Decio Brunoni
Regina B. Zanon
Cleonice A. Bosa


The regression of previously acquired skills has been highlighted as a potential early indicator of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The aims of the study were to validate parental reports regarding the occurrence of word loss and to investigate the characteristics of the words and other skills in a child aged 42 months with ASD over a 10-month period. It is a longitudinal and exploratory case study using systematic observation. Ten home videos showing the child’s behavior between 13 and 23 months of age were analyzed according to the home video observation protocol and PROTEA-R. A total of 171 episodes involving the investigated behaviors were identified, which included the use of 51 words (the majority being nouns). Word loss and loss of other skills (play and social abilities) were observed. Word loss was the first or primary motive for parental concern, reinforcing that this phenomenon constitutes a potential early indicator of ASD.


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Desenvolvimento Humano - Seção Especial: Transtorno do Espectro Autista


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