Emotional Dysregulation Scale – Adults (Edea): Validity Evidence
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Emotional self-regulation is necessary at various times in life; however, studies have indicated differences in the way men and women tend to express, contain, or change their emotions. These events are essential to be investigated in psychological instruments, since, when assessing this construct, an item could be endorsed by either sex, resulting in a biased conclusion. With this in mind, this study aimed to analyze the differential item functioning (DIF) of the Emotional Self-Regulation Scale – Adult (EARE-AD) for sadness, concerning the gender variable, in addition to the distribution of the instrument’s response categories. Due to the existence of DIF, neutralized items were prioritized, thus favoring less biased results. Based on this, in a second study, a reduced version of the scale (Emotional Dysregulation Scale – Adults – EDEA) with 15 items was proposed. We searched for validity evidence based on the internal structure for this new version.
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