A Single-Case Quasi-Experimental Design Of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy For Substance Abuse

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Alan Souza Aranha
Claudia Kami Bastos Oshiro
Elliot C. Wallace


This study evaluated the effectiveness of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) on clinically relevant behaviors (CRBs) in the context of substance abuse/chemical dependence and identifying the therapeutic components of change. The Functional Analytic Psychotherapy Rating Scale (FAPRS) was used to categorize therapist and client behaviors, and Timeline Followback was used to record drug abuse. Two participants were treated in a single case A/A + B quasi-experimental design, in which A = analytical-behavioral therapy and A + B = FAP. The results showed that with the introduction of FAP, specifically the therapist’s contingent responding to the participant’s progress, there was a decrease in the use of substances after three months for both participants. The participant who spent more time in psychotherapy experienced greater benefits at follow-up and a larger reduction in drug use. We concluded that FAP altered CRBs by positively reinforcing progress in-session and was significantly correlated with improvement out-of-session.


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Clinical Psychology


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