Theory of Mind Complex Task: Validity Based on Relationships with External Variables

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Elissandra Serena de Abreu
Paola Rocco Rodrigues
Juliana Merello Perna
Aleska Neves Mendes
Tatiana Pontrelli Mecca
Natália Martins Dias
Rochele Paz Fonseca


Most research on theory of mind (ToM) focuses on preschool years, with few studies targeting later years, especially in the national context. The aim of this study was to investigate evidence of the validity of a ToM complex task from the relationship with the external variables: age, type of school and vocabulary. Ninety-eight children, aged between 6 and 9, from private and public schools participated. Results showed age and school effect, with better performance of children from private schools. There was a positive, significant and moderate magnitude correlation with vocabulary. This study provides the first sources of evidence of task validity, indicating that age and type of school were relevant variables for ToM performance, and therefore should be considered in the elaboration of future norms.


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