Psychosomatic Illness in the Analytical Approach: An Integrative Review of the Literature

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Iris Miyake Okumura
Carlos Augusto Serbena
Maribel Pelaez Dóro


It is known that studies about the dynamic mind-body aim at a better comprehension of the human being. According to the medical-scientific logic, some approaches dichotomize that interaction, relegating the term to cases of illnesses with no evident etiology. The psychosomatic approach proposes a holistic perspective on the individual, beyond the cure of physical symptoms. An integrative review on the comprehended psychosomatic was realized, in the paradigm of analytical psychology (AP). The search resulted in 44 articles that compounded theoretic-clinical discussion and/or empirical research about the object of study. Publications included philosophical and epistemological matters in psychosomatic, analysis of specific clinical cases, and possibilities of psychotherapeutic intervention. AP classic and developmental approaches are emphasized, and the main concepts found to comprehend the illness were psychic energy, teleology, synchronicity, and ego-self development. It was observed a higher concentration of articles with theoretical analysis illustrated with clinical vignettes and presentation of psychotherapeutic intervention proposals aiming to comprise the demands of the singular process in the dynamic between health and disease.


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Clinical Psychology


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