The Violent Couple Dynamic Avaliation and its Influence under the Children

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Larissa Viana dos Santos
Liana Fortunato Costa


This research had as its general objective to evaluate how the sub-systems work when there is a violent interaction in the family, focusing on the violence between the couple. The theory of the systems and of the Family Therapy was used to collect, analyze and discuss the data, through a clinical interpretation. This is a qualitative research, which was provided by a case study of a family. This family was sent by the justice to participate of a family-therapy in a school-clinic, as it presented couple violence. The instruments used to collect the data were: description of the six first sessions observed during the family evaluation period, cut and paste work with the family as the subject and the construction of a life line of the family. Based on this material, it was possible to notice a family dynamic which presented inadequate communication, due to the difficulty in symbolizing the insatisfaction with the relationship and the use of violence as a resource to communication. It was clear the presence of a triangular relationship between the couple and the difficulties presented by the kids in involving themselves in an adequate way when they see scenes of violence in the family. This research allowed us to understand the amplitude of a therapeutic work, based on the creation of a participation space for a wider family, and also the importance of a work done together, between the justice and psychology, when it comes to intrafamiliar violence


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