Screening Version of Bender Test to Assessment of School Performance

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Fernanda Otoni
Fabián Javier Marín Rueda


This investigation’s objective was to search for evidence of criterion validity for the screening version of Bender’s Graded Punctuation System test through school performance. The subjects of the research were 333 children, aged between 6 and 10 years (M = 8.39; SD = 1.37), enrolled between the first and fifth grade. Through Anova, it was verified that the three figures in this version were able to differentiate the group of children with low school performance, indicating that they committed more distortion errors when reproducing the figures. The Pearson coefficient showed significant correlations between the screening version and the Portuguese and mathematics classes, which indicated that well-developed percept motor maturity tends to be a facilitator to consolidate the contents proposed in Elementary School I. In conclusion, it is suggested that the screening version is a measure with the potential to assess possible learning difficulties.


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Psychological Assessment


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