I Trust my Husband: Research of Social Representations of Women in a Closed Relationship about AIDS Prevention

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Andréia Isabel Giacomozzi
Brigido Vizeu Camargo


The present study concerns the social representations of the women in stable relationships about sexuality and prevention of AIDS. Aids’s incidence has been increasing among heterosexuals in stable relationships, especially women, who have been infected mostly by their sexual partners. The research’s purpose was to identify how women in stable relationships elaborate social representations about AIDS and if it has an impact over their prevention practices concerning this disease. It was carried as a descriptive study in which were used indirect observations and non-directive interviews. Were interviewed 20 women between 30 and 40 years who were in close relationships at the time. In the data analysis, a software for quantitative analysis of textual data (ALCESTE) was used. The findings showed that this group of women knows about diseases and how to prevent themselves, but they don’t do that mostly because they feel safe and trustworthy towards their sexual partners. Furthermore, it was observed a division between two clusters: one regarding the house, where they are more secure and the other concerning the street where people who they don’t have a close relationship with would be more vulnerable to HIV.


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