Validity of Personal Selection Tests According Professionals
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This study identifies tests and methods used in personnel selection practices in 34 national and multinational companies in the State of São Paulo. It also compares the results with tests used in the United States found in literature by focusing in the predictive validity studies. Results showed that Wartegg (15,2%) and Group Interview (15,2%) were the most frequent tools used. A contradiction was found in the way professionals understand the concept of validity as they refer that the choice is based on the validity of the instrument under consideration although no validity evidence was found in the literature for the mentioned tools. The results point to limitations in professional training that need to be addressed in order to build more competent practices of psychological assessment in the field of industrial and organizational psychology.
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Copyright to articles published in The Journal Of Psychology: Theory and Practice belongs to the authors, who grant Mackenzie Presbyterian University the not exclusive rights to publish the content.
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