Evaluation of the Violence Concept in the School Enviroment: The Teatcher’s View
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Violence has been affected the school activities and the relationship between the students and the teachers. It’s necessary to investigate which is the teacher’s conception about violence and try to transform this context. This research investigated the violence concept at the educator’s schooling reality and how violence manifests itself at school everyday life. The teacher’s violence conceptions were compared taking into account the teachers’ educational level and professional training, and the type and level of the schools. The sample was carried out both in private and public preschools, elementary and high schools, colleges and universities in São Paulo State cities. A questionnaire was submitted to the teachers who identified themselves by providing their personal and professional information. The questionnaire included a Semantic Differential composed of 26 pairs of polar words to measure the connotative meaning of violence concept. Questions identified the factors that contribute to violence and the ways it manifests itself at schools. The results reveal that the subjects classified violence as social. Values and actions were categories that stood out as conceiving the violence concept . Physical, verbal and moral aggression manifestations were verified at schools and the student was defined as the violent action agent.
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Copyright to articles published in The Journal Of Psychology: Theory and Practice belongs to the authors, who grant Mackenzie Presbyterian University the not exclusive rights to publish the content.
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