Emotional Issues in Bone Marrow Transplant

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Elisa Maria Parahyba Campos
Cristiane Bach
Margareth Alvares


When bone marrow transplant (BMT) is added to the diagnosis of cancer, patients can experience fear, lack of understanding and insecurity. This project's aim was to identify aspects of the emotional status of 7 patients with bone marrow transplant indication. TAT cards 1 and 11 were applied in order to search for the latent aspects in the patients, and a semi-directed interview was then conducted. The use of a psychoanalytical qualitative and referencial methodology was chosen, with the estabilishment of categories encompassing the main aspects brought out in the interviews. TAT cards were analysed separately. It is noticed that fear and hope were a constant in the patient’s reports, reinforcing the results from international papers. In conclusion, the pre-transplantation period is a moment of ambiguity and confusion, due to the emotional burden to which the patient is subjected. Thus, psychological counseling is fundamental to an adequate confrontation.  


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