Perception of Workers about Inhibitors and Fuels of Professional Development

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Luciana Mourão
Helenita Fernandes


Career building is an active process that is built objectively and subjectively throughout life. This study aimed to identify the perception of workers about the fuels and inhibitors of their professional development. We conducted this study in two methodological steps. The first stage consisted of data collection and had the participation of 408 workers (53.9% men), who addressed the elements that acted as fuels or inhibitors of their professional development. In the second stage, we invited ten experts to evaluate indicating the appropriate dimensions for each fuel or inhibitor of professional development, according to the theoretical models. The study contributes with a set of 39 fuels and inhibitors of professional development, distributed in four categories: Psychological elements, Relational elements, Contextual elements, Intentional and experiential learning. The results contribute to career studies, and workers can use the findings of this research to reflect and elaborate professional development plans.


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Social Psychology and Population's Health


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