The Importance of Professional Humanization in Deficiency Diagnosis

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Fernanda Vilhena Mafra Bazon
Eloísa Amicucci Campanelli
Silvana Maria Blascovi-Assis


Humanization has been studied in the scope of health, aiming at to provide a treatment that has taken in account the totality of the individual. Humanization in health can be defined as the rescue of the respect to the human life, taking itself in account the social, ethical, educational, psychic and emotional circumstances shown in all relationships. As to speak of the diagnostic of a deficiency, one gives credit that humanization becomes important, therefore studies point that the attitude of the professional in front of the family can soften up the shock caused by the notice. This work has as its objective, the reflection on the importance of the humanization of the professionals present at the moment the diagnosis of a deficiency is communicated to the family or to its carers. The method used consisted of bibliographical revision on humanization, diagnosis and deficiency and of semi-structuralized interview, with duration of one hour, carried through with the sister of a person with West Syndrome. It’s been evidenced that the act of giving notice of the diagnosis in this case were not carried through of adjusted form, therefore the professional did not adopt a humanized attitude in front of the family, being thus incapable to contain the anguish and the shock of the same one. Moreover, one perceives that for it to be dealing with a moment of extreme importance for the posterior maintenance of the treatment and for the establishment of a bond among  health family-patient-health team, it is necessary that the professional education in the health area contemplates a global vision of the individual. It’s necessary to have a search for a humanized and not massified caring in the private system of health care and that also goes for public care. In the diagnosis of deficiencies, humanization plays a important role, therefore the bond established among health professionals and families in such case of deficiency diagnosis will influence the posterior family attitudes in front of the individual with deficiency.


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