Dyslexia and Developmental Language Disorder: Cognitive-Linguistic differences in reading

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Silvia Brilhante Guimarães
Renata Mousinho


Reading comprehension is a product of the performance of both decoding ability and language comprehension. The difficulty in reading comprehension may be due to a deficit in any of these skills. The study aimed to verify the underlying reading skills in two clinical groups, Dyslexia Developmental (DD) and Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), seeking their similarities and differences. The sample included children from the early years of schooling. Both groups were assessed for reading comprehension skills, word reading speed, phonological processing and comprehension and language production. The results of the comparison between the two groups showed that the groups were similar in phonological skills but differed in the comprehension and production skills of oral language. In this ability, the DD group had higher performance compared to the DLD group. The study concluded that different forms of intervention are necessary to supply the specific weaknesses of each group.


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Human Development


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