Coping Strategies of Caregivers of Patients in Home Palliative Care

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Bruna Maffei
Isabel Cristina de Oliveira Arrieira
Renata Alexandre Ferreira
Daniela Habekost Cardoso


This research aimed to understand the coping strategies of caregivers of patients in palliative care. Qualitative, descriptive-exploratory study with nine caregivers of patients in palliative care of a home hospitalization program in the southern region of Brazil. A semistructured interview collected data and submitted to content analysis. The results showed strategies about personal resources before care and social support. Family, faith, and support from the home team were significant coping resources. The patient’s clinical situation and caregiver-patient affection made it difficult for the caregiver’s exposure to personal problems, devaluing health complaints. It is concluded that caring for a family member is a challenging task, which influences the health caregiver, can lead to the illness of the caregiver, and the relay of care can reduce their overload. It is necessary to integrate the caregiver into the care of the team and implement educational actions to their health.


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Clinical Psychology


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